Please see our Facebook, Instagram or Mindbody App for any changes
12pm Zumba® Gold/Toning - Tina & Rose
1pm Soulful Sundays - Ashley
(a total body workout)
9:30am Zumba® - Annette
6pm Zumba® - Ashley
7pm Total Body Tone Up - Ashley
7pm Zumba® Toning + Zumba® Step - Ria
8pm Zumba® - Ria
9:30am Total Body Circuit - Patrice
6pm HIITSTEP - Annette
6pm Beginner Bootcamp - Vicki
7pm Zumba® - Vicki & Ashley
8pm MixxedFit®/TurnUp - Ashley
5:30am Total Body - Annette
5pm HIITSTEP/TurnUp™ - Paige
6pm Zumba® - Tina & Vicki
7pm MixxedFit®/TurnUp™ - Ashley & Deanna
7pm Super Stretch - Vicki
9:30am Total Body Bands - Patrice
6pm The Boom (cardio drumming) + Bootcamp Combo Class - Alisa & Jake & Ashley
7pm Zumba®/MixxedFit®/TurnUp™ - Alisa & Jake & Ashley
9:30am Zumba® - Ria
5:30pm Hustle - Delonda
7pm Dance Fitness - Ashley & Danuta
9:30am Zumba® - Vicki & Ashley
10:30am Total Body Tone Up - Vicki or Ashley
11:30am Yoga - Marilyn
4pm Hustle - Delonda

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Zumba®– Feature exotic rhythms set to high-energy Latin and international beats. Incorporate dance and fitness moves to create a total body workout!
Zumba Gold®– Take the Zumba® formula and modify the moves and pacing to suit the needs of the active older participant, as well as those just starting their journey to a fit and healthy lifestyle. Great workout!
Zumba Gold® Toning - Zumba® Gold Toning is tailored for active older adults and beginners, who want to focus on muscle conditioning and light weight activity. Weights are provided for this class.
Zumba® Toning– Combine targeted body-sculpting exercises and high-energy cardio work with Latin-infused Zumba® moves to create a calorie- torching, strength-training dance fitness-party. Students learn how to use lightweight, maraca-like Toning Sticks to enhance rhythm and tone all their target zones, including arms, abs, glutes and thighs.
Zumba® Kids– Designed exclusively for kids (ages 4-12), Zumbatomic classes are rockin', high-energy fitness-parties packed with specially choreographed, kid-friendly routines and all the music kids love!
STRONG Nation®- STRONG Nation® combines high intensity interval training (HIIT) with the science of Synced Music Motivation. In every class, music, and moves sync in a way that pushes you past your perceived limits to reach your fitness goals faster!
MixxedFit®– A people inspired dance fitness program that is a perfect blend of explosive dancing & boot camp inspired toning.
Turn UP™ –Turn Up workouts are intense, fun, and life-changing, incorporating HIIT (high intensity interval training), strength training, and dance! You will be challenged, but you will embrace it, and as you step outside of your comfort zone with the turn up squad
Total Body Tone Up– Great all around fitness class for all fitness levels. Expect to push your fitness limits in push-ups, sit-ups, squats and other fitness moves designed to get you results fast! You can work at your own unique pace. Drop-in anytime!
Yoga– Several different types of Yoga coming from basic to advance classes. Descriptions coming soon!
Arms & Abs – An hour-long fitness class that will help tone & shape your upper body and abdominals.
Barre Above™/Barre Tabata – Barre Above is a unique approach to barre workouts as you've seen them. Fusing the best of pilates, yoga, aerobics, and elements of strengthening exercises dancers do, Barre Above drivers a results-driven workout that is not only fun and dynamic, but it will sculpt your body and get you into absolutely amazing shape!
Total Body Bandz –Come get a booty blasting, arm toning workout! This class uses resistance bands to challenge your muscles from all angles!
Pound® – Instead of listening to music, you become the music in this exhilarating full-body workout that combines cardio, conditioning, and strength training with yoga and pilates-inspired movements. Using Ripstix®, lightly weighted
drumsticks engineered specifically for exercising, POUND transforms drumming into an incredibly effective way of working out. Designed for all fitness levels, POUND® provides the perfect atmosphere for letting loose, getting energized, toning up and rockin’ out! The workout is easily modifiable and the alternative vibe and welcoming philosophy appeals
to men and women of all ages and abilities.
Total Body Tone Up – Join us for a Total Body workout where we will incorporate all different types of weighted and non weighted exercises to tone up our upper body, lower body and core. You will get a total "tone up" in this class! Class is approximately 1 hour long. Drop-in anytime!
HIITSTEP is 30-minutes of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workout that uses a step and dynamic bodyweight exercises. It has been designed to improve power, increase strength and burn hundreds of calories. The HIITSTEP workout contains voice over music tracks and pre-designed training sessions allowing instructors to deliver inspirational and motivational workouts. We also include a 30 minute traditional step portion to make the class about an hour long.